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Victorious Performing Arts Company

Victorious Performing Arts Company is a youth K-pop dance and performing arts school based in the Puget Sound. They are an exclusive school that accepts students by audition only. They host quarterly dance shows, most recently at the 2022 Puyallup Fair and Shoreline Community College.

Their largest event to date was held at the IKEA Renton Performing Arts Center in February 2023. They initially approached me for designing an event poster, ticket, and event-related materials. Over the course of these projects, I discovered additional design needs, which included a new company logo and a website.

With the client's permission to share my work, I've described my design process for these projects below. The projects showcase my skills in illustration, graphic design (for digital and print work), web design, photography, and video editing work.

Update 06/2024: The Victorious Performing Arts Company website has not been updated since the project concluded in December 2022. The website displays out-of-date information and has removed/edited parts of the website that were mentioned in this project summary. As I understand from the owners, the company has experienced a lot of changes, including opening a second studio and moving operations. I am hopeful that we can collaborate in the future for another website update.

Company Logo

After creating the event poster, I was requested by the client to create a new company logo. The process took about 1 week, and these were the steps I took in designing it:

Meeting the Client

I met with the client to talk about their needs and what they wanted to see in the new logo. 


Being a young company and in a niche section of the dance/youth education industry, the client wanted a logo that would elevate their company's branding. They had just undergone a name change from Seattle Youth Kpop to Victorious Performing Arts. They wanted the logo to reflect this change, emphasizing the need for a more professional look.

Click on any of the images to enlarge them in gallery mode.


Click on any of the images to enlarge them in gallery mode.

As part of the design process, I met with the client and asked questions about their design needs. Afterwards,
I spent 2 hours for research and mood boarding. I used Canva to create the moodboards so they could be shared with the client easily.


I presented 3 mood boards (shown at right) to the client, each representing possible creative directions.

Event Poster

The client selected the "Illustrative" mood board as a starting point for poster design. I used this board as inspiration for creating several concepts, which are seen at the gallery on the right.


Illustration, hand-lettering, and graphic design for 4 poster concepts took 1 full week. At the end of the week, I presented these concepts to the client. After selecting their favorite design and characters, I made changes based on the clients' selections, which took an additional few days.

Click on any of the images to enlarge them in gallery mode.

Final Poster Design

Here are the final designs for the poster and ticket designs.


I prepared the files for client hand-off by preparing the design files for print (creating printer marks, converting colors to CMYK) and digital use (RGB). I ensured that the individual projects were organized and easy to identify.